Floating by the open window
April 8, 2010
April 7, 2010
Singin' in the Rain
So let's face it....we will never catch up on the past couple of years worth of posts. So I'm voting that we just start over again and go from here. If we actually have things to post about other than Finn, that is. And I think we might....he's a HUGE part of our everyday existence, but every once in awhile we might have something to comment on other than Finn.
Tonight, for instance....

Tonight I think I have the best dog in the world. He hasn't had a walk since Monday afternoon. It is now Wednesday night. He is typically a two-walks-a-day-kind-of-dog. Yesterday he had his hair cut, but due to rain and Finn being Finn and James being sick he did not get any walks. While hair cuts are stressful enough to tire Oscar out, we do still tend to give him his walks on hair cut days. And then there was today - thunderstorms, hail, pouring rain, cranky baby and a still sick James. Finally around 10 p.m., Oscar and I went out for a wander in the rain. And he was the best behaved dog around. No pulling me around, just wonderful walking beside me - sooooo fantastic and made me love him even more.
Tonight I saw more overweight worms in our neighbourhood than I have ever seen in my entire life. Do worms actually get overweight? What causes some of them to be fatter/juicier/plumper than the rest??? So bizarrre. But with all of this rain it was a little crazy trying not to step on them. Thank goodness Oscar is past his worm hunting days.
Tonight I am SO happy that I bought a rain suit at Costco. It was officially worth every penny. Even if I only use it this once. Not only did it keep me perfectly dry but I did not overheat! No small feat considering the difficulties I have in regulating my body temperature (I tend to overcompensate and therefore overheat and overcool rather quickly).
Now all I need are some rain boots and I'm all set!
Tonight, for instance....

Tonight I think I have the best dog in the world. He hasn't had a walk since Monday afternoon. It is now Wednesday night. He is typically a two-walks-a-day-kind-of-dog. Yesterday he had his hair cut, but due to rain and Finn being Finn and James being sick he did not get any walks. While hair cuts are stressful enough to tire Oscar out, we do still tend to give him his walks on hair cut days. And then there was today - thunderstorms, hail, pouring rain, cranky baby and a still sick James. Finally around 10 p.m., Oscar and I went out for a wander in the rain. And he was the best behaved dog around. No pulling me around, just wonderful walking beside me - sooooo fantastic and made me love him even more.
Tonight I saw more overweight worms in our neighbourhood than I have ever seen in my entire life. Do worms actually get overweight? What causes some of them to be fatter/juicier/plumper than the rest??? So bizarrre. But with all of this rain it was a little crazy trying not to step on them. Thank goodness Oscar is past his worm hunting days.
Tonight I am SO happy that I bought a rain suit at Costco. It was officially worth every penny. Even if I only use it this once. Not only did it keep me perfectly dry but I did not overheat! No small feat considering the difficulties I have in regulating my body temperature (I tend to overcompensate and therefore overheat and overcool rather quickly).
Now all I need are some rain boots and I'm all set!