What else do you use herbs for???

Last summer I attended 'Presentation Bootcamp' at work. Over the course of our week-long bootcamp we learned lots of important things that are necessary to being a good presenter. At the end of bootcamp we each had to do a mini-presentation. One of my colleagues presented on herb gardens....and I was hooked! Living in a new house, having lots of 'unspoiled' yard that is in dire need of gardening - I thought this sounded like a great idea. Why not grow things that you can actually use for cooking? My mother-in-law happened to attend our presentations that day (being very supportive and willing to give up a morning of her life to listen to us chat about totally random topics)....the LAST time she lived in London she had wanted to plant an herb garden, but they quickly moved. Now they are back and apparently there are no more dreams of herb garden greatness for their yard....BUT she had purchased this amazing book that tells you just about everything you need to know about herb gardens, complete with sample plans about which herbs to plant in what formation....which she kindly gave to me so that I could plan an herb garden of my own. Now it is growing and doing quite well...and what else would one use herbs for other than to make the world's best nachos ever???
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