Floating by the open window

April 14, 2006

Shakelton's Farm equipment Auction

Not exactly the SmartCar crowd.

Keep your eye on the prize...

Our ticket to poverty!

Mission accomplished!

April 13, 2006

Good Friday... uh... Eve at Dan & Emily's

So, who gave up alcohol for lent this year?

Not so fast, Tim.

Earle is a "no".

James?... hmm... sorry for asking.

Brent: "I absolutely did! I swear!"

(Lynzay wisely prepares to be struck by lightning)

April 5, 2006

Linda & Brian's new pad

Corner lot in a quiet and respectable neighbourhood

Finished basement with beautiful fireplace

but still lots of room for storage!

Nice wrap around kitchen

Main floor laundry (woo hoo!!)

April 4, 2006
