Floating by the open window

June 29, 2005

The Air Henderson Centre

The very back of our property is designated as "flood plain". We have been having an ongoing battle with a "landscape festure" (read: giant topsoil stockpile) in our backyard. The solution of flattening the "landscape feature" out towards the back of the property is impossible because no fill can go in the "flood plain"...... so naturally we decided a basketball court could go there. (I do not consider 24 2x4's and 5 yards of chips and dust as "fill").

The court is 24' x 24' with a 36" acrylic backboard on an adjustable post. Beauty.

June 21, 2005

The Barker Cottage

A perfect venue for beer pong.

Someone is clearly losing the match.

Again with the falling down.

Unfortunately the most spectacular drunken spill was not captured on camera. We'll always remember you old drunk dude.