I had known for quite some time that the Barenaked Ladies were coming to town. I REALLY wanted to go to the concert as they are probably my favourite band. So I dropped hints that I wanted to go thinking that perhaps my husband would surprise me with tickets for my birthday.....but nooooooo, there were no surprise tickets (NOTE: James has since redeemed himself with tickets for Joseph and the Technicolour Dreamcoat for my birthday! WOOHOO!). Valentine's Day came and went (the last possible moment for the tickets to appear). As I drove home from work on the 15th (DAY OF THE CONCERT) I started to think, "What am I doing??? I LOVE the Barenaked Ladies and I'm not even going to go to the concert when they're playing in London?!?!?" When I got home I went online to see what kind of tickets were available and VOILA! Check it out!
Now it's not much fun to go to a concert on your own, soooooooo I called up my dear friend Jen B to see if she wanted to go as a) James wasn't yet home from school, b) James does not enjoy the BNL nearly as much as I do and c) Jen DOES enjoy the BNL! And this is how happy she was that I called...
...she'll do anything to get out of making dinner ;)
So off we went and I would have to say that fun was had by all!!! Here are some pics from Jen's camera phone

I realize the quality isn't super (but dude, it's a CAMERA phone)...and all you really need to know is that it was a rockin' good time with amazing music, funny guys and a funky cool set with trippy lights. Thanks again to Jen who really IS the best for putting up with my super-over-excitement all night long.