Floating by the open window

September 30, 2006

Sean and Adrienne - Party Time

Alright... time to get down.
First, Sean and Adrienne danced...

... then more people danced.
... heck, even "the moose" got loose...

... and the wait-staff decided to join in.

We continued the party on the bus home.

Looks like Brendan is feeling better.

What was that sound???

Oh, Kenny, you found the giant wine glass (see previous post). Good for you.

Okay, time to get off.

Sean and Adrienne - The Reception

Please note the big, giant wine-glass for a future post...

The bubba-mommas

Sean and Adrienne - The Ceremony

"I know I'm getting married in 10 minutes, but there's just
one more thing I have to do!"
Okay everyone, time to get married. Onto the trolley!
The Cunningham women (soon to include Adrienne)
She walks in with her charming father...
... and walks out with this guy.
There's an Emma in that carriage.
Yes, the fifth wheel does weddings too.

September 2, 2006

Labour Day 2006

We had Jakob and Emily stay with us the friday night of the long weekend. We had pizza AND hotdogs for dinner, drank WAY too much coke, and took Oscar to the park in our neighbourhood. His cousins even convinced him to try his hand (uh... paw) at the slides.