Floating by the open window

June 16, 2006

Oscar the Dog

This is the first of what will no doubt by hundreds of posts about Oscar the Dog. Oscar is a Golden Retriever X Poodle... A Goldendoodle (or "Poo Retriever" according to Andrew Zinck). The cuteness of a Golden with the Hypoallergenicity of a poodle. He has a rose nose and lovely green eyes. Smart little feller.

We picked Oscar up Friday the 16th at a breeder in Mount Forest (which has the coolest motto of any small Ontarian town I have seen).

At only 3 1/2 months old, Oscar is already the biggest dog I have ever had.
As I said before... more to come.

June 10, 2006

Engagement Party - Part Two

Sean + Drunk = Dancing

It's the attention to detail at this party that I am most impressed with.
Wake-up, Mel!

Sean? You won't be too hungover to bring us breakfast in bed, will you?

Engagement Party - Part One

Ah, the Royal Couple languishes in our adoration.

Mel, James and Koo sit by the stairs looking mysteriously sexy


More cuddling.

Sean, Sean, Sean! Never ask a married guy "What's it going to be like?"

June 3, 2006

The Twins Dance "Reheisal"

Rainy-day Bellerinas

In case your wondering, Charlotte put her own lipstick on this morning.

"Oooo, What a feeling!! Beats Believing!"

June 2, 2006

Relay for Life - Burlington

Mel and I joined Team Barker at the Relay fo Life this year. Our amazing team raise more than $3000 for cancer research!
We had a Hawiian theme, a LOT of candy and very little sleep.
A very inspiring 12 hours.