Floating by the open window

September 20, 2005

Andrew's visit from the North

Andrew had to come down from Whitehorse to do some job training in Toronto. He manged to get down to our place for the weekend. Ken, Dev and Michele decided to make the trip from Montreal to visit him and see our new place AND get a chance to play basketball at the Air Henderson Centre.

luck had it that the municipality informed me the day before everyone was down that our yearlong battle to remove the giant pile of dirt in the middle of our yard was going to be settled at 7:00 the next morning.... oh and by the way, the new plan involved putting "fill" in the "flood plain" (where it was impossible to put fill previously). This, unfortunately, meant that the Air Henderson Centre had to be dismantled.

It also meant that the Good shed had to be relocated.

I wonder if the Egyptians drank 8 beers before they built the pyramids?

After all the work was done, we settled in to party and let Andrew know what we thought about him moving to the Yukon.

Children playing with dogs.

Less mature children playing with dogs.

Throwin' some shoes.
Those horseshoes really tend to skid on the hard-packed clay, don't they Dev?

September 5, 2005

Labour Day Horseshoe Tournament

The first (possibly anual) Labour Day Horseshoe Tourney had everything...
The textbook fundamentalist...

The passionate rookie...

The savvy veteran...

And the consummate braggart.
Well also took a little time away from the pits so Lily could
Shaq-attack Greg on the basketball court.