Floating by the open window

August 28, 2005

Bubba's 30th

Well, the evidence is in... an ugly shirt equates to a badly poured pitcher of beer

Actually, Dev, it's Sean's birthday... not Adrienne's.

I don't understand why you think you wouldn't be a good father, Bub.

Oh...... I see.

August 20, 2005

Buffin's cottage

We did the typical stuff at Buff's cottage this time around...

Paddleboat adventures....

Drunken basketball...

Eating sticks of meat...

Hitting each other with hammers.

And, of course, I had to show everyone my new wakeskate moves.

Brent was thoroughly impressed.

August 12, 2005

Fishing trip reunion

Mel had told me all about the fishing trip but this being my first time I had no idea what to expect...

...didn't anticipate such hospitable people....

... and the cutest kids.

I couldn't fool them though.... they had me labelled right away.

August 4, 2005

August Party - Blues night

I don't think I have ever seen guys who look more "blues".
Mel still has a Jamaica-tan

(That's why I married her... cuz she's so stylish!)

"ROSIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"