Cottage 2006
Right before we came there was a huge storm. Therefore minor flooding when we arrived. Hence, no power. Thusly, loud generator. Ergo, no August party. Yes... it's true. No August party! Thank goodness we were not going just for the weekend. And a double-thank goodness the weather was awesome the entire time we were there.
Oscar was spoiled rotten on our first vacation with him. I'm sure he thought he was in puppy heaven. Tentative at first, he ended up loving boat rides (he was very helpful keeping Mel warm in those late-night rides back home)

He got to play/wrestle/swim/walk with his new friend Marley (Devin and Michele's pup)
He got to nap everywhere (even with Uncle Donnie... "king of Naps")

We didn't crate him at night and he spent most mornings (and even one night) cuddling in bed with us.

I think his favourite part (other than stealing food from the little poodle next door) was the swimming. Lying in the cool water. Biting the waves as they came in. Learning how to chase tennis balls with Mocha. Chasing Mel as she swam out to the rocks and back (FYI: if you don't want to get severely scratched your only hope is to submerge under water when he is chasing you).

Oscar was spoiled rotten on our first vacation with him. I'm sure he thought he was in puppy heaven. Tentative at first, he ended up loving boat rides (he was very helpful keeping Mel warm in those late-night rides back home)

He got to play/wrestle/swim/walk with his new friend Marley (Devin and Michele's pup)

We didn't crate him at night and he spent most mornings (and even one night) cuddling in bed with us.

I think his favourite part (other than stealing food from the little poodle next door) was the swimming. Lying in the cool water. Biting the waves as they came in. Learning how to chase tennis balls with Mocha. Chasing Mel as she swam out to the rocks and back (FYI: if you don't want to get severely scratched your only hope is to submerge under water when he is chasing you).

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